Welcome to
Corpus Christi Catholic School
Bellerive, Tasmania
Our Story History
Si Scires Donum Dei – If you only knew the gift of God
Corpus Christi Catholic School was founded by the Presentation Sisters in 1936. Its original site was in Church Street, Bellerive. The school moved to its present location in Alma Street in 1958 when primary classrooms were built. Early childhood classrooms were completed by 1968. In 1974 an adjoining property was acquired and further classrooms were built as our school expanded. Major works in 1986/7 saw the creation of a school hall and canteen.
The former Presentation convent, currently the Administration block, was purchased in 1987. Learning spaces and facilities have continued to grow over many years as the school population grew. The school now has 15 classrooms catering for two streams from Kindergarten to Grade Six with an intake of approximately 450 students.
The Presentation Sisters were an active presence in our school until 1986. They continue to be welcomed for significant events and celebrations. We continue to live out the charism of the Presentation Sisters and follow the example of the foundress, Nano Nagle.
Today, Corpus Christi Catholic School is a vibrant community of learners who have a strong sense of social justice.